
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Jacob : Class of 2018

 Third times the charm, right?  Well, all three of the kiddos in this family have all been amazing charmers!  Jacob, the youngest, was too much fun.  We had this fun idea to involve his jet ski for his senior photos.... I mean, what's more fun than that!?!?  Yeah, not much.  

So after photos before and hiking up Laketown Beach with gear (And apparently, the Hawaii mountain I climbed wasn't 'conditioning' for these 183 stairs.... covered in sand and carrying gear) we went to a boat launch, where Jacob backed his little trailer for his jet ski down what seemed like a 1/4 mile narrow launch, we had some serious fun in the sunset! 
 It. was. awesome. 
Enjoy a few teasers of Jacob from his senior session!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!