
Friday, December 1, 2017

I fell behind!

Hey guys!  I fell way behind on blog posting, and even though it's not very fair to each session, I'm going to catch up by putting teasers from all the summer session from late August until now.  

Here's the sessions 
-Engers Twins (2 years old)
-Isaiah Rath (2 years old)
-Lucas Rath (6+ months old)
-Nykamp Family
-Bourke Family
-Nichole Class of 2018
-Bailey Class of 2018
-Scholten Family
-Mulder Twins (1 year old)
-Zeeland Lumber Commercial shoot for LBJM magazine
-Tim & Hannah Engagement
-Redder Family
-Keath Family
-Balkema Family
-Noah Class of 2018 Sport edition
-Siegers Family
-Jager Family
-Blom Family
-Selah 5
-Hadley 4

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!