
Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Giant Forest

Our next point of interest was The Giant Forest National Park. We had to take yet another small, slow, winding road to get there but it was well worth it. Here are a couple of photos from our day there.

Every once in awhile we will just randomly pull of on the side of the road to enjoy some of the countryside. While we were headed to The Giant Forest we both noticed how extremely beautiful the drive was. There is a valley and creek running right alongside the road that we were travelling on Highway 198 right before we reached Three Rivers, CA. On a whim we decided to pull over and walk down to the creek. I grabbed my camera and we got some cool photos quick before continuing on to The Giant Forest.

I was inspired for this photo after seeing the Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite the day before.

Cara enjoying herself up on a rock by the creek.

Zeke found yet another little platform from which he could jump off of while we were enjoying the beauty of the countryside. I think I am going to compile all of Zeke's jumping photos from all over California at the end of our trip ;)

We travelled on to The Giant Forest. As soon as we entered it we started seeing gargantuan trees all over the forest. Here you can see how large the footprint of this Giant Sequioa tree is next to Zeke and Cara.

That's me and Zeke standing at the base of that giant.

And another view of that same tree.

Here is a Giant Sequoia that fell over and got uprooted. You can see how large the footprint of these are by the size of Cara and Zeke inside it. This tree was an "average" sized one by the way.

The sun shone beautifully through the circle meadow.

While we were leaving we saw 3 black bears on a mountain side just off the side of the road. Cara asked to stop and get some pictures and of course I didn't argue ;) They are quite friendly and docile and they didn't even pay attention to us photographing them from a couple hundred feet away. They see quite a bit of human's and are numbed to our presense.

This is the view of the mountain range on the way out.

This White Tail deer let us aproach to within about 20 feet to get this photo. We were losing light very quickly and had to snap off a couple as the sun dipped below the mountains and brought in the night.

We had an awesome time in The Giant Forest! It was well worth the trip! . David & Cara Williams .