
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yosemite National Park

You can't visit California without seeing Yosemite National Park. This is one of the most beautiful countrysides that I have ever seen. Everywhere that you turn there is something distinctly different to be seen.

I don't remember California having any fall colors but while we are visiting here we saw quite a bit. Here is an oak tree showing gorgeous yellow leaves.

Zeke plotted the course for us and figured out exactly where we needed to get on and off of the shuttle. He had fun.

Here is Cara and Zeke if front of the lower falls.

Here is another view of the lower falls. There are a ton of trails around that will take you all over Yosemite but this trail is one of the easiest and shortest trails which worked out well for us ;)

Zeke enjoying a lounge in a tree right off the trail. Doesn't Cara's expression look so relaxed towards Zeke :D

This is Tunnel View. From here you can see about 7 distinct Yosemite landmarks including El Capitan on the left, Half Dome to the right and Bridal Veil Falls. The light was hitting Bridal Veil just right to produce a rainbow down the entire waterfall.

Our next post will be the Giant Forest. Make sure to check back! . David & Cara Williams .