
Friday, October 23, 2009

Monterey Bay

We decided to spend the day at Monterey Bay. During our travel through Big Sur Cara spotted an ad for whale watching and thought that it would be a cool little way to spend the day in Monterey. I happily agreed and we called them up. Unfortanately we didn't get to see any whales while we were out but we did get to see some other marine life. Here are a couple of photos from the day.

This is the little Chiuahua named LuLu. She was a rescued dog that was owned by a former marine. She is very popular with all of the little kids around the marina where she goes for her walks.
Me, chillin' out on the little fake boat while we waited for the whale watcher boat to depart.

The pelican's were very used to human interaction and would let us come within feet of them on the dock.

As soon as we departed we saw many sea lions laying on the rocks sun bathing.

Here is a sunfish that we saw while we were out looking for whales. It got scared off pretty quickly and went for a deep dive. I don't think that I could tell you what parts of the fish are what ;)

This is what Zeke looked like in his life preserver. Cara and Zeke spent much of the time inside the boat. We had very rough waters with a lot of splashes and such but it turned out to be very fun. . David & Cara Williams .