
Friday, October 23, 2009

The Williams Family and Friends

So... I finally got a chance to see my family again : D

It was great getting to catch up with everyones lives again. This visit was a little bit short but that's alright, it was still great! Here are some photos of everyone. I am so bummed that I didn't get a photo of my Mom! I don't know how that happened! She was working a lot while I was there and apparently I didn't have my camera with me much while she was around. Here are photos of everyone else though.

Our old dog Tara. She's still hangin' in there pretty good but she is gettin' old.

My oldest brother James, he had me retake this photo because he wasn't "sitting manly enough". The photo below is the manly version.

Here is Carolina and Maya. They call her "MiMi".

This is some of James' flintknapping demonstration. You can find photos on YouTube or under Jimmy Williams. Each piece of glass that is breaking off is sharper than surgical steel! It was very cool to see a normal piece of rock take shape into a pre-historic razor sharp tool.

This is my younger brother Andrew. He came down all the way from Oakland to visit me.

Baby James on the playground.

This is just a cute photo of baby James and Zeke giving each other five on the play set. They got along very well for having just met.

Here is another of Maya.

A good friend Robbie Foggiato from Tracy. He cracks us up! This guy has an awesome sense of humor... clean humor too. Here is Robbie having an impromtu comic act with Woody.

This is my youngest brother Reece. He is going to college for guitar and music. He is getting awesome at it! I wish I had more time to hang out with him and get to see more of what he has learned. He is really taking to blues and jazz. I can't wait to see where he goes with it!

This is Matt Foggiato. We go way back to elementary school days. I feel bad that I didn't give Matt and Robbie any good warning that I was going to be in town. I called them this day and they dropped everything to come and visit me. Thank you guys so much for that... you guys are awesome.

I didn't get the best photo of my older brother John. Just this one while he was talking to Cara. John is the one that introduced me to Cara! This was everyones first time meeting little Zeke. It was cool!

I am looking forward to the day that I will see you guys all again. . David & Cara Williams .