
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween..... but now I have children and they can look so cute dressed up properly.  So this year's last minute costumes are : (drumroll please....)

My little bumble bee, Cadence at 11 months old.
My handsome Woody the Cowboy, Lex, at 2 1/2 years old

My knight in shining armor, Zeke at almost 5 years old.

We chose these outfits/costumes this morning, as we looked through our closets to see what we could do from last years stuff. :)  Have a safe and fun, and warm halloween.  If you have people coming to your doorstep, think of the great opportunity to share something about Jesus with all the children!  How cool if those looking for candy can find salvation through Jesus Christ!  Much more satisfying :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nate : Hamilton Senior 2013

All I can say is wicked crazy cool hair, eh?  Nate is my last senior of the season, and it's a great way to head into a new season with this handsome young man to take up the tail.  Nate is an amazing tennis player!  He and his team went to State only last week.  The crazy connection I have with his family is with his mom, who sold us our first horse when I was about 9 years old!  That horse passed away about a decade ago, but yet, she will always be 'the-lady-who-we-got-Caliente-from' LOL.  Well, enjoy a few teasers of Nate! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Balkema : Family Love

These are my cousins.... or more accurately.... two of my cousin's kids.    After getting rained out last week, we rescheduled for a beautiful FRIGID day.  Considering the temperatures, the kids did great.  The oldest son, Jacob was very willing and helpful.  He was like my assistant the whole time, carrying my stuff around, and helping get the younger ones into position for the shots.  Thanks Jacob!  I was reminded of the challenge of getting 6 pairs of eyes to look at me, but all in all, we ended up with a great collection of images.  These are taken around their family property in Galesburg, MI.   I LOVE their old cars and a bunch of my cousin's super creative ideas for some of the shots.  Thanks guys!  Enjoy a few teasers!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eli : 12 months

This little cutie came to me for the first time for his 1 year birthday!  What a great little guy.  I've had his cousins in for sessions over the last 2 years, and he said it's his turn to make the spotlight :) He's walking all over, and as I find somewhat normal in ALL boys.... has no interest in getting his photo taken :) LOL!  He did great and was a real trooper as we had 3+ outfits and such to do during his session.  I just love having all the little kiddos back in my studio again!  LOVING IT!  Thanks for the great session Eli! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Brad & Rachel : Engagement

Brad and Rachel chose my current FAVORITE rustic country spot in between all the rain storms we've been having.  We got a little sprinkle during the session, but stayed pretty well dry.   As the fall color is coming to a close, I'm trying desperately to get all the session in that were wishing for the fall color, and that's becoming tougher and tougher as the rain keeps coming!  Grrrrr...  well, ends up I knew Brad from High school.  He was the amazing sound tech behind all our theater performances where I was student director, or a chorus member for a few musicals.  Rachel and Brad met ONLINE!!!!  AWESOME.  They've known each other for roughly 10 months and are tying the knot this February.  I couldn't be more excited for them and their wonderful journey together from here forward.  They are a super fun, super smiley, and absolutely perfect couple.  Thanks guys!  I enjoyed getting to know you both, and can't wait for your wedding! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

My baby girl : the triplet

Cadence at 11 months
 Lex at 11 months
 Zeke at 11 months . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dustin & Megan : Engagement

 What a blast this beautiful couple was!  I love getting to know our wedding couples during an engagement session.  Megan is a super creative girl.  She came with a chalk board she made, and I loved it!  All the little things she makes is all super photogenic!!!!  I think I may have to talk to her about some props for my studio! : )  LOL.  Dustin is a great salesman, a golfer.  Megan and I had to wait for Dustin to do a few pretend practice swings before getting ready for some shots.  :)  The color was beautiful and the weather held up for us to get through the session after a weather rescheduling from last week.   Out of my 7 sessions this week, weather  postponed 5 of them!  I guess I'll add them to the 3 I have next week :)  Enjoy some teasers for Megan and Dustin! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nikki : Senior Rep 2014

Yes, 2014.  We have started a bit early this year with our senior reps :)  This is Nikki.  What a great girl Nikki is.  I've known Nikki from my church since she was probably in about 6th grade.  Her mom and dad were quite inspiring to us, although they probably don't know it.  They valued our photography and really encouraged us by making us feel valued. Nikki attends Zeeland East High School and will be handing out coupons for 40 Free wallets to any graduate for the class of 2014 :)  Thanks Nikki! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Coolest spot ever!

You will be seeing this location in like the next 2 weeks of photo shoots!  It's amazing!   I found it when I took a different route home the other day, and wanted to stop out to walk around there, so after church and before Nana's for lunch, we all went out, (mismatched I realize) in the rain and checked out this spot!  Can't wait to use it tonight and over the next couple of weeks!  Our kids did great and I'm so proud of them all :)  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Vandyke : Family Love

Here's an amazing family.  Scott and Kelly were fantastic to work with, and I LOVE their little kiddos!  They almost have as much energy as my own.  I met them at Scott's brother's wedding, and then again at his other brother's wedding, and then AGAIN at his sister's wedding!  Yes, we had the wonderful opportunity to photograph 3 weddings in the immediate Vandyke family.  Every sibling's wedding, except Scott and Kelly's :)  Well now, (drum roll please....) They have a place on our blog in a super special way.  As a beautiful growing family.  I'm personally blessed by them, as Kelly is the Bible school leader to my little Lex every Wednesday morning at B.S.F. (Bible Study Fellowship)  That's NOT an easy group to get to shepherd.  They are full of energy, excitement, and germs.  Enjoy some teasers for this wonderful fall family photoshoot. 

  I LOVED their outfits!  They certainly look like brothers!!!
 This is totally my personal favorite.... LOVE IT! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!