
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wacky Williams : Fantasy Vs. Reality Pt 1.

Do you ever have these cool visions in your head of what to expect?

Maybe Christmas morning... you see a warm house, with happy children, and excitement throughout the day?  Then what you get is crying kids, a house full of wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and little unwanted gifts laying around unplayed with?

So, this post is for all of you who need a laugh and a little suspense/anticipation. We wanted to show you how we think we look when we play with our kids....because, we are the coolest parents, right?!  Well, maybe in our minds sometimes.   Enjoy the 'Fantasy vision, and the reality of 'cool' parents playing with their kiddos!  Stay tuned for next week's Wacky Williams post, to see what we ACTUALLY look like when playing with the kids :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!