
Friday, January 6, 2017

Wacky Williams : Happy Birthday Zeke!

Oh My.... I've almost been a mom for a decade....!!!! Somebody pinch me!   My strong willed, stubborn, first born is 9!  It's been a tough 9 years!   From a colicky, loud screaming baby, to a stubborn, loud screaming 9 year old....  But, he's strengthened my capacity for patience, love and gentleness!  I LOVE being this boy's mama!  I LOVE watching him discover.  I LOVE watching him invent, build, and draw.  I LOVE his questions about his heavenly Father.  I LOVE his obsessions in each new thing he learns.  I LOVE his passion.   Can you believe I'm halfway done with parenting this guy!?!?  There's so much to do!  So much to teach, instill, love on, and provide for yet.  As we get into those Tween years, and he eats us out of house and home, we are starting a savings just for food.... lol!  Enjoy the personality expressions of our Zeke! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!