Thanksgiving was at the Pratts again this year. Always a great time and a great meal! My Uncle has the best touch with delicious food, and their house is a wonderfully welcoming warm home. The meal was wonderful and the company to die for. My family is the coolest. For being "extended" family, I get to see them alot. Almost every weekend in the summer, and more then once a month during the colder months, usually. My Grandparents are too young for their age :) They are so much fun and give great wise advice. I'm thankful for this:
My family, and the love and care they emit to all those around them.
My husband and Baby boy Zeke, whom without, I would be lost.
And for every blessing down to the air we breath and the country we live in.
God has been good. As the pastor said in Church this morning, God never promised us condos in Florida and a summer car. He promised to take care of us. He has done that well. We have more then he ever promised. "To GOD be the Glory, for the things he hath done"
Here are Picts of our Thanksgiving... and little Zeke's first!
Little Sieben Trying to sleep with a crowded house :)
Ezekiel with Great Grandma Koops
Cousin Sarah, doing.... I'm not sure what to Zeke.
Ashley and Steve Getting their photo taken... by more then my mom :)
The group at Pratts enjoying another AWESOME meal!
Grandpa Koops showing off his new toy! Picts of a 1985 Mercedes!!! Awesome buy Gramps!