Today we remember the Crucifixion of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All through the Bible, the fore telling of Jesus, and his mission on earth is eminent.
Genesis starts with a covenant with Abraham, where God tells Abraham that his line of descendants will make way for God's son, sent from Heaven to teach us the true interpretation of the 'Torah' (or the Old Testament). However, with all the hints and foretelling, God's people don't recognize the Son of God. They all wanted a Savior from their suffering from other countries.... they expected the savior would be a war hero, and become there King through victory... The Jews, still not understanding God's great love and awesome plan, rejected Jesus. God knows that no achievement on earth is better then the gift of life eternally... His mission for Jesus was not to make accomplishments on earth, but to gain numbers for his eternal kingdom.
Want to know a brutal truth? You aren't done living when you pass away...
you don't have to believe it for it to be the honest truth. Life continues for those with God, and sadly, it continues for those against God... When you breath your last, where will you awaken forever? There are ONLY two possibilities for your answer, so don't try to be creative. It's a black and white type answer.
The people hearing Jesus knew the words that he spoke were 100% truth. They were smart and educated, but their hearts were closed and cold as stone. Because of their pride, they rid of Jesus, so those looking up to them as the scholars of God's Law would continue to hold them the wisest and most righteous above all else. Jesus was brutally beaten and murdered in his innocence, by those God named his chosen Nation.
Mel Gibson's "The Passion", shows this historically true event in full detail. Watch with discretion.
Have you ever been accused for something you didn't do? It feels awful. In this case, Jesus was accused falsely and his death sentence carried out. He chose not to fight them, but to be sacrificed.... All for us. Can you accept his sacrifice? Can you acknowledge humbly before the one we owe everything to?
As sad a day this is for those who know Jesus as their personal Savior, we know of the miracle to come during the celebration of the Resurrection Day.
The story of Jesus' crucifixion can be found in the Bible, in
Matthew 27
Mark 15
Luke 23
John 19
and other passages throughout the Bible.

www.awakenedimages.com . David & Cara Williams . awakenedimages@yahoo.com