I was awakened by my normally sweet little Cadence the other night, and while helping get her back to sleep at 2:00am, I noticed the clear night, and realized that I haven't seen the stars in a while. With it getting dark out so late, I'm not up to see them. I took the opportunity to set up a fish-eye lens, camera, tripod, and found a spot in the backyard where the least light pollution happens, but out of the horses pasture, since they'd be sure to knock over my equipment :) The Milky way galaxy line was clear, and I was amazed to have captured a shooting star in the last image... however, I didn't notice it until I was looking at the images on my computer :) These are 30 second exposures with the 16mm fish-eye on a Nikon D3s. God's handiwork always amazes me, and I felt a call of 'thanks' for my 'inconvenience' to have been awakened so early... God calls me at the strangest of times :) Two hands raised to my maker!

The light pollution from the city of Holland almost looks like the Northern Lights! LOL! It's not.... to the best of my knowledge.....
See the shooting star???? How amazing is that??!!
www.awakenedimages.com . David & Cara Williams . awakenedimages@yahoo.com . check us out on facebook!