If you know a Senior of 2012, who could represent Awakened Images Photography to their school with the same excitement that we have for taking awesome images, we want to know them!
Awakened images is starting the search for students from area schools to put the buzz in the student body's ear about our photography! For anyone interested, there are great rewards! Discounts on photography packages make parents thrilled, and gift cards to some awesome area resturants will certainly boost a high school student's social life!

How to nominate a student:
Send us an e-mail awakenedimages@yahoo.com along with a photo of the senior you are nominating. We will need to know the students name, e-mail or phone, school, and a brief description of the seniors personality. Photo can be funny or simple, but must be of only the student being nominated.
Who can be nominated?:
Any student graduating from a West Michigan High school-class of 2012
Who will be selected?:
No more then 1 male and 1 female from each west Michigan High School will be chosen. From the information we recieve from you, we will make a selection of the student(s) that we best feel can represent us and our style.
When will we know the selected seniors?:
On March 14, all selections will be posted on this blog. Selected seniors will be e-mailed, and we will set up a Rep. shoot for them to have images to display to their student body.
How will the prizes be awarded?:
Top prize will be awarded to the senior who refers the most 2012 students, from any West Michigan school, between 1/1/2011 and 9/5/2011.
All reps will earn discounts from each student referred to us.
Deadline for Nominees: March 1st, 2011
e-mail or call/text with any questions 616 546-9080
Prices and packages can be found here:
ALL applicants will recieve 16 FREE wallets for applying
Reserve a session before March 1st, and get 24 FREE wallets!
(Session date is not required to reserve as session.... With a small deposit as a reservation, you can inform us of the month you'd like your senior photo session, and we'll notify you when its time to set up the session! A great reminder for you, so it's one less thing you have to keep track of during the hustle and bustle of summer fun!)

www.awakenedimages.com . David & Cara Williams . awakenedimages@yahoo.com